Usual Business

Proposed CFPB Rule to Eliminate Medical Bills from Credit Reports

For fifteen million people, medical bills totaling as much as $49 billion are unfairly dragging down their credit ratings. This rule would rectify the situation. The nation’s capital – Among the many suggested changes announced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulation is the removal of medical bills from most credit reports; more privacy …

As a result of the financial technology breakdown, the trustee for Synapse has said that $85 million of consumer savings are gone

According to the trustee designated by the court in the Synapse bankruptcy case, there is a gap of $85 million between the amount of money that partner banks of the fintech intermediary Synapse are holding and the amount that depositors are entitled Customers of fintech companies who went through the process of connecting with banks …

Singapore will dominate the gold market as the ‘center of gravity’ swings east, predicts World Gold Council

Due to the fact that the “center of gravity” is shifting to the east, the World Gold Council believes that Singapore is well positioned to assume the position of leader in the gold market. In light of the fact that commerce is moving in an easterly direction, Shaokai Fan, who is the Head of Asia-Pacific …